Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tell ya what, I'll do it as a favor (and favors have to be repaid!).

When Mr. Bingham asked DPW union head Sam Vitrus about paving an alley, Vitrus allegedly told him he might do it as a "Favor". Bingham said he didn't need favors and Vitrus then allegedly told him to "Complain to council." Bingham did just that.

Just a reminder... Hollowgate... When you're a leader, by default, appointment or annointment, you set the tone of your reign. George Parker set the tone of his "reign" and apparently, Vitris' alleged comments show he's not stepping up to fill the moral and ethical chasm the DPW leader has created.

My only editorial comment on this is "What part of this surprises anyone?"

Where was Mr. Bingham when people on east mountain needed rights-of-way cleared but were told "No" while another citizen received the service?

Where was Mr. Bingham when George Parker left accumulated debris sit below the Albright Street bridge after disparaging comments were made in the July 4th, 2006 TT?

Point here is, the people who speak in council are a bunch of crazies to the other citizens until the administration's antics affect them personally. Then they're surprised by the actions of their government.

Folks, this is nothing new and yet, we don't have to put up with it unless we are, in fact, willing to accept it. Thus far, we've been more than willing, we've been accomodating.

Pastor Martin Niemöller said, "When they came for me, there was nobody left to speak out." Mr. Bingham, they've come for you and all you have left to speak out for you are Nobodys.

Welcome to the club.


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