Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Chick's fights a ban to save their business...

A city official cited Chick's Diner for ignoring the no-smoking ordinance today, 24 April, 2007. The battle lines are drawn. At the center of the controversy is a city government ignoring state law and overreaching its authority simply because it can...

What happened at Chick's today is a result of Joe Pilchesky and his creation, the DohertyDeceit.com website. Taking the cue from Pilchesky, a business owner, a taxpayer, a Nobody, stood up and said, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it."

Seeing Joe Pilchesky stand up for what is right, no matter how many times he's been smacked by the machine, has to have an effect on the populace. That is the danger in letting a Joe Pilchesky loose in the city. People realize just because "That's the way it's always been done" doesn't mean it can't be changed.

The realization, not the multitude of suits, the website, the constant beating on the anti-corruption drum, the realization that things can be changed is the single most dangerous threat to TeamDoh!, its subsidiaries and its parent corporation.

Joe Pilchesky doesn't have to win suits. All he has to do is shock the people's minds into understanding they control their destiny. Convince the people they don't need to depend on politicians and the people will take it from there.

Chick's forced the issue to take it to court. Now we'll see what happens when the citizens don't just roll over on command. Our government has for too long believed the citizens should fear it. The biggest change we can make is to have our politicians fear the people.


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