Sunday, April 15, 2007

Who's going to believe a crazy man? That's the theory...

Somebody asked where the big story was on Pilchesky. Remember, I said it would appear on a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. It's Sunday and the TT blew its shot on their biggest circulation day.

Here's another tip: The TT has nothing on Pilchesky that we haven't already seen. Their primary means of attack is a campaign, begun over a year ago, to make him appear to be the biggest wackjob in the county. It's not going well, because they've just made a full court press and it fell flat.

If they can't fight him with facts or by questioning his veracity, they'll attempt to destroy his credibility by claiming he's unbalanced. That hasn't and won't be by paper only. Every quote, comment, etc., you hear by anyone who has something to lose if the parties named lose, has and will discredit him based on TeamDoh's "assesment" of Pilchesky's mental health.

It's been going on for some time. Judge for yourself by mentioning Pilchesky in conversation. At first, people make the face. Then, when you ask them about the issues, the face dissappears into frustration and anger over what is going on in our county and suddenly, Pilchesky doesn't seem so far off the mark.

It's an old trick used by lawyers, often seen in rape trials. If you discredit the victim, whatever said by the victim becomes questionable, even if backed up by witnesses and documentation. A woman with a background made questionable by a defense attorney with dirt in his briefcase can make a solid rape seem like a mutual tryst rather than a viscious attack against an unwilling participant.

Secondly, TeamDoh! is expert in the use of deception. They're not hanging their hats on Joe's mental condition or his veracity. They have other issues that are far more complex to bring to the battle field.

As I have said before, TeamDoh! its subsidiaries and parent companies all have different timelines and perspectives than the average citizens. They've already divided this case into segments- what has merrit, what can be argued and, most importantly, a timeline laying out when each event within this case will occur.

Consider this: Judas, The Fanucci and Bobbin' McGoff will be long out of office when this is decided. It will be a "Oh, remember them?" when the final decisions are handed down. The next band of characters will be in place. I'll bet their ties to the Tweedesque machine will be hidden much more carefully.

With School Board Directors and council members in his court, Christopher Doherty doesn't have to be Mayor to wield power. He merely needs his lackeys, access to phones and connections to campaign cash. The other players have bit parts and can be changed out at will. Doherty's time in office will pay him dividends for life, provided we vote in his lackeys.

This case will take a while to wind down the hallways of the courts. If I were a betting nobody, I'd put more money on the argument of whether Joe is a public figure. Do his activities, being a political activist, running a political website and speaking out on corruption make him a public figure, open to the same criticisms and attacks that elected officials are open to?

The TT article is a diversion but it obviously is not a well-thought out diversion. The one success Joe apparently had was to pressure their timelines. I think Joe has an opportunity for a change of venue, based on the comments of the judiciary in Lackawanna County.

I am at a loss as to why a sitting judge would make comments on a case active within his jurisdiction. There's quite a few cracks in this wall and no little dutch boy is going to plug 'em all. The secret to breaking the dam is to upset their timeline and bring pressure before they've set their defenses.

This mess took years to develop and it'll take years to deconstruct. That's what they're counting on. One win by Pilchesky in the right case and the demolition will begin. The only question is "Where will that win be?"


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