Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tell ya what, I'll do it as a favor (and favors have to be repaid!).

When Mr. Bingham asked DPW union head Sam Vitrus about paving an alley, Vitrus allegedly told him he might do it as a "Favor". Bingham said he didn't need favors and Vitrus then allegedly told him to "Complain to council." Bingham did just that.

Just a reminder... Hollowgate... When you're a leader, by default, appointment or annointment, you set the tone of your reign. George Parker set the tone of his "reign" and apparently, Vitris' alleged comments show he's not stepping up to fill the moral and ethical chasm the DPW leader has created.

My only editorial comment on this is "What part of this surprises anyone?"

Where was Mr. Bingham when people on east mountain needed rights-of-way cleared but were told "No" while another citizen received the service?

Where was Mr. Bingham when George Parker left accumulated debris sit below the Albright Street bridge after disparaging comments were made in the July 4th, 2006 TT?

Point here is, the people who speak in council are a bunch of crazies to the other citizens until the administration's antics affect them personally. Then they're surprised by the actions of their government.

Folks, this is nothing new and yet, we don't have to put up with it unless we are, in fact, willing to accept it. Thus far, we've been more than willing, we've been accomodating.

Pastor Martin Niemöller said, "When they came for me, there was nobody left to speak out." Mr. Bingham, they've come for you and all you have left to speak out for you are Nobodys.

Welcome to the club.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Chick's fights a ban to save their business...

A city official cited Chick's Diner for ignoring the no-smoking ordinance today, 24 April, 2007. The battle lines are drawn. At the center of the controversy is a city government ignoring state law and overreaching its authority simply because it can...

What happened at Chick's today is a result of Joe Pilchesky and his creation, the website. Taking the cue from Pilchesky, a business owner, a taxpayer, a Nobody, stood up and said, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it."

Seeing Joe Pilchesky stand up for what is right, no matter how many times he's been smacked by the machine, has to have an effect on the populace. That is the danger in letting a Joe Pilchesky loose in the city. People realize just because "That's the way it's always been done" doesn't mean it can't be changed.

The realization, not the multitude of suits, the website, the constant beating on the anti-corruption drum, the realization that things can be changed is the single most dangerous threat to TeamDoh!, its subsidiaries and its parent corporation.

Joe Pilchesky doesn't have to win suits. All he has to do is shock the people's minds into understanding they control their destiny. Convince the people they don't need to depend on politicians and the people will take it from there.

Chick's forced the issue to take it to court. Now we'll see what happens when the citizens don't just roll over on command. Our government has for too long believed the citizens should fear it. The biggest change we can make is to have our politicians fear the people.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Who's going to believe a crazy man? That's the theory...

Somebody asked where the big story was on Pilchesky. Remember, I said it would appear on a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. It's Sunday and the TT blew its shot on their biggest circulation day.

Here's another tip: The TT has nothing on Pilchesky that we haven't already seen. Their primary means of attack is a campaign, begun over a year ago, to make him appear to be the biggest wackjob in the county. It's not going well, because they've just made a full court press and it fell flat.

If they can't fight him with facts or by questioning his veracity, they'll attempt to destroy his credibility by claiming he's unbalanced. That hasn't and won't be by paper only. Every quote, comment, etc., you hear by anyone who has something to lose if the parties named lose, has and will discredit him based on TeamDoh's "assesment" of Pilchesky's mental health.

It's been going on for some time. Judge for yourself by mentioning Pilchesky in conversation. At first, people make the face. Then, when you ask them about the issues, the face dissappears into frustration and anger over what is going on in our county and suddenly, Pilchesky doesn't seem so far off the mark.

It's an old trick used by lawyers, often seen in rape trials. If you discredit the victim, whatever said by the victim becomes questionable, even if backed up by witnesses and documentation. A woman with a background made questionable by a defense attorney with dirt in his briefcase can make a solid rape seem like a mutual tryst rather than a viscious attack against an unwilling participant.

Secondly, TeamDoh! is expert in the use of deception. They're not hanging their hats on Joe's mental condition or his veracity. They have other issues that are far more complex to bring to the battle field.

As I have said before, TeamDoh! its subsidiaries and parent companies all have different timelines and perspectives than the average citizens. They've already divided this case into segments- what has merrit, what can be argued and, most importantly, a timeline laying out when each event within this case will occur.

Consider this: Judas, The Fanucci and Bobbin' McGoff will be long out of office when this is decided. It will be a "Oh, remember them?" when the final decisions are handed down. The next band of characters will be in place. I'll bet their ties to the Tweedesque machine will be hidden much more carefully.

With School Board Directors and council members in his court, Christopher Doherty doesn't have to be Mayor to wield power. He merely needs his lackeys, access to phones and connections to campaign cash. The other players have bit parts and can be changed out at will. Doherty's time in office will pay him dividends for life, provided we vote in his lackeys.

This case will take a while to wind down the hallways of the courts. If I were a betting nobody, I'd put more money on the argument of whether Joe is a public figure. Do his activities, being a political activist, running a political website and speaking out on corruption make him a public figure, open to the same criticisms and attacks that elected officials are open to?

The TT article is a diversion but it obviously is not a well-thought out diversion. The one success Joe apparently had was to pressure their timelines. I think Joe has an opportunity for a change of venue, based on the comments of the judiciary in Lackawanna County.

I am at a loss as to why a sitting judge would make comments on a case active within his jurisdiction. There's quite a few cracks in this wall and no little dutch boy is going to plug 'em all. The secret to breaking the dam is to upset their timeline and bring pressure before they've set their defenses.

This mess took years to develop and it'll take years to deconstruct. That's what they're counting on. One win by Pilchesky in the right case and the demolition will begin. The only question is "Where will that win be?"

Monday, April 09, 2007

Oh, to be Stacy Brown's editor- No thanks!

Stacy's writing is just like arsenic poisoning. Cumulative.

Brown was educated in the finest tabloid tradition. His hack masters taught him that to change the public's opinion of a highly popular person takes a steady attack. Brown is busy building a perception of Evans in the public's eye.

Hackmasters School of Journalism also taught Brown that the best way to deflect criticism is to accuse your enemy of the things you're accused of.

For example, the pampered Chris Doherty, who has had someone to clean up every mess he made, from his diaper to his current crap, who would fall over in a faint should he have to do a manual chore, a public official so out of touch with the working class he represents that dirt under his nails would require a bout of antibiotics, obviously has an image problem.

Enter Evans. Gaining in popularity because she's been consistently right about the failures of the mayor's policies and spendings and also known to work as hard as her constituents, Evens is a force that needs to be dealt with, but how?

Simple. Slowly build the impression she has grown "above" the people. Mention the new "luxury" car. Another article should mention her "huge" house and maybe trips she might take. Don't forget her wardrobe.

Like a frog in cold water. Turn the heat up slowly and soon, frog soup! If Brown had simply stated he thought Evans was driving an expensive car and was losing touch with her constituency, he'd be laughed out of the valley.

Through the time-tested methods of Hackmasters School of Journalism, Brown plants the seeds of doubt, one story at a time. Given the aboundant fertilizer available in the city and a little water, this plan should have grown like a weed.

Then there's the DD 2007 poliweed whacker. Let's just mow that baby down like the pricker bush it is. Isn't it time for Michael Jackson to go to court, Stac?

Frog Soup with a side of weeds ! A Hackmasters School of Journalism favorite!

Bon appetite!

Thoughts on closing the balcony...

A bunch of fellow nobodys and I sat watching the recovery plan hearings in the balcony. There were speakers listing problems that needed to be addressed in the plan. The speakers were, surprisingly, pretty damn accurate about the problems that have surfaced since then.

More surprising, however was the fact that former councilman Pocius was nodding off, former council President Murphy was engaged in a serious game of tic-tac-toe and most interestingly, former councilman Hazzouri was reading his mail.

Judas is well-aware of what goes on at the dias. I'm convinced she fears the people in the balcony would see her rolling two metal balls around in her hand (think Queeg, not hubby's), while Fanucci alternately cuts out paper dolls, updates her on-line dating profile and crosses out the big words (should have pronounciations) given to her by her handlers to sound like a big girl councilwoman while McGoff, well, he just sits there thinking about how he might one day get elected to a political office.

The goal of Judas and her master Christopher Doherty is to embroil this council in so many Fanuccis of force 5 or better, so as to obfuscate the real issues facing the city, such as:

Hollowgate: The diversion of services from all citizens who deserved them to a few who promised votes. George Parker, DPW Director, was allowed to investigate himself and found he did nothing wrong, in his eyes. Rumored to have worn a blindfold during his self exam. "Ordered" to show at council for questioning; didn't show. Reportedly hid under his desk instead because his veracity wasn't just questioned, it was laughed at.

Alglican American: The action where the mayor broke a contract he helped institute, putting both Scranton and Dunmore on the hook for millions of dollars. The mayor is currently trying to hide losses in convoluted sewer dealings, of which he is allegedly experienced in, due to internship as a rat in a sewer.

City Unions: The mayor broke multiple contracts, leading to huge arbitrations and legal bills. Cost to taxpayers in the millions. Earnings for lawyers, FOC, in the millions.

Floodgate: The mayor and the rest of TeamDoh! would rather see people suffer than install a flood warning siren in lower Green Ridge.

Feel free to add your own Fanucci. The mayor's got a lot to hide and he needs his fellow gang* members to win elections.

Quite simply, the more interference the mayor can have between council and the people, the smaller the crowds, the more likely he can control what goes on in the city.

In one sentence: Everything that goes on in city hall is for one purpose- to maintain Chris Doherty's control of municipal activites.

As long as Chris Doherty is mayor and controls City Council, Chris Doherty controls the city of Scranton and, by the use of taxes, zoning and its unlicensed inspectors, smoking ordinance, unlawful, no-written policy, pre-council, 2nd and 4th amendment search and seizure violation searches, .....Chris Doherty controls you.

In effect, Judas Gatelli, Sherry Fanucci and the latest incarnation of an imp, Bobber McGoff, have allowed Chris Doherty to rule like a king.

Sorry Bobber, no matter the strength and severity of the Fanucci, no elected office for you.

*(Latest law enforcement definition of a gang: a group of three or more individuals, juvenile and or adult, who associate on a continuous basis, form an allegiance for a common purpose, and are allegedly involved in criminal activity.)