Gatelli: threatened or a threat?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Our city is at a crossroads. We need leaders, leaders who are above reproach and are not beholden to a party or group. Citizens questioned recently why a former councilman's alleged affair should be a topic for discussion. The answer is character. If a person is alleged to have cheated on his or her spouse, a person he or she has vowed fidelity and honor, how can we trust that person to carry out the duties of office with honesty and respect, representing people he or she may never meet?
Now comes our council president, claiming her life is private. Questions have been raised about her family receiving jobs in return for votes. Is it right for the people to question whether the allegations are true? If the council president's children are, in fact, not receiving any benefits, the light of investigation would put this issue to bed.
If the opposite is true, it is imperative that an investigation take place. If there are tradeoffs for votes, how can we ignore them? If there is wrongdoing, is it right to hide it behind the mantle of family?
As citizens of this country, we have the right and responsibility to make sure the people whom we have elected are not beholden to others. If Gatelli has nothing to hide, she would benefit from a total disclosure and an investigation that could put the issue to bed.
When a politician protests and cries foul when accused of improprieties, instead of offering to prove the accuser wrong, the politician often has much to hide.
Instead of the tears and theatrics, would it be too much to ask for a little honesty and light?
After the pity and blame and allegations of threats, the questions remain. It's a question of character. Can we trust our council president? Is she beholden to others? Is she an innocent, being dragged thru the mud? The questions, hidden under the drama, remain.
It's time our politicians show us they deserve our trust.